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Souvenirs de la fête patronale du 11 décembre 2022 Secteur de Québec

Plus de 80 membres, invités et jeunes ont participé à la fête patronale du secteur le 11 décembre 2022 ….

Memories of Our Lady’s Feast in the Québec Sector

Memories of Our Lady’s Feast Celebrated on December 11, 2022 in the Québec Sector

More than 80 members, guests and youth gathered on December 11, 2022 to celebrate the Teams of Our Lady annual feast at Sainte-Ursule Church in Notre-Dame-de-Foy parish in Québec City. Father Onil Godbout of Team 43 presided over the celebration of Mass, accompanied by Deacon Arismendy Lozada of Team 52. During the Mass, Father Godbout who is pastor at the local parish highlighted the presence of TOOL members for their patronal feast. As a nod to the movement, the local choir included Robert Lebel’s Magnificat in the musical program. After mass and a delicious snack, participants listened to a talk by Denis Petitclerc, a catechetical teacher for over 30 years. Denis explained how the Lord’s Prayer renews the covenant between God and each believer, inviting couples to renew their covenant each day. The talk then focused on Psalm 138 where God shows interest in our smallest gestures in order to strengthen the covenant with each of us and guide us towards the path of eternity. During the talk, the children participated in an art workshop organized by Team 52. The sector couple, Albertini and Raoul Puegue, thanked members of Teams 43 and 52 for organizing this celebration. They highlighted the 75th anniversary of the Movement, which was founded on December 8, 1947. Teresa and Enrique Alvarenga, from Team 50, introduced new members of two recently piloted teams, 52 and 53, from the Quebec City area. Finally, all the participants were able to enjoy a buffet, meet the new team members and exchange during a fraternal meal. Thanks to Martin Bergeron, André Bernier, Philippe Savoie and Raoul who provided photos. – The Sector Team

Let’s Connect!

The first Sunday of Advent is November 27, 2022 which also means the start of a new liturgical year.

Since we are starting a ‘new year,’ we are excited to officially re-launch Teams of Our Lady Canada’s presence on social media!

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75th Anniversary of the Charter

This year (2022), on the feast of the Immaculate Conception on 8th December, we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the promulgation of the Charter. The feast of the Immaculate Conception, which we like to celebrate in Teams, has a special significance this year.

We propose …